Could you help us with our research?

  • Are you aged 55+?
  • Are you living and working in Cornwall?
  • Have you experienced any difficulties finding or getting a job?
  • Have you worked, or tried to find work, in the private sector since turning 50? (‘Private sector’ means working for a business owner, not something state-funded like the NHS or police).
50+ woman on phone

If you answered YES to all the above please provide us with your phone number below and a member of The Inclusivity Project team will call you back.

In this short, 5-minute call, we will see if your experience is a good fit for our research, and if it is, we’ll then invite you to participate in our research by phone or video interview. 

We never share your details or data.

9 + 6 =

 A note from me, the researcher:

If you just sent me your phone number using the form above – thank you! Your participation is of value to us and we hope, with your help, we can make employment practice in Cornwall more inclusive. 

In the interview, I will ask a few questions and seek your ideas and perspectives about your employment experiences.

As I listen to experiences like yours, I can start to piece together the reasons why it’s harder for people over 50 to get jobs, or stay in jobs when they need them.

Dr Esmaeil Khedmati-Morasae

Research Fellow in Policy and Complex Systems, The Inclusivity Project, University of Exeter

In comparison to younger people, people over 50 in Cornwall are less likely to be employed, stay in employment for long periods, and get back to employment after leaving it.  

Woman on ipad
Woman discusses with man

The project aims to improve our understanding of the causes for this employment gap and, based on this understanding, develop ways to tackle these causes and reduce the gap through policy and practice. 

We need your insight to help us understand the causes of these employment experiences.

In the interview, we want to hear your thoughts about:

  • Why there is an employment gap in Cornwall.
  •  What factors lead to the employment gap in Cornwall.
  • How those factors impact each other.
  • What the best possible actions are to close the employment gap in Cornwall.
  • How the COVID-19 crisis has impacted those factors, as explored, that lead to the employment gap.
  • What actions should be taken to prevent widening that employment gap in Cornwall due to COVID-19.
  • Your own personal experience in terms of employment of people over 50, that you would like to share. This might be of value for other SME owners, policy-makers, and researchers in tackling the employment gap.

Who should participate?  We are interested in speaking to any person over 55 years old, who has had difficulty or faced challenges in finding work since they turned 50.

When will this happen?  We aim to conduct the interviews during the months of Jan- March 2021.

How will this happen? The interviews will be conducted via telephone or via online video conferencing, like Zoom for example.

Anyone who would like to participate who needs alternative arrangements should get in touch to discuss them.

You will be asked if we can record the interview to enable us to take accurate records, but this is optional and you can change your mind at any time.

What will happen to my data? Your data will play an important part in our project. Your contribution will be anonymous and treated confidentially.

Only members of the academic research team will have access to the anonymised data. The data will be stored securely and will be deleted once the project is completed.

This project has been approved by the University of Exeter ethics review panel.

This research is based on informed consent and you will be asked to review and confirm that you understand the purpose of the project and your rights in it before any data is collected.

This includes making sure you understand the project, how the data will be used, your right to refuse to be recorded and your right to withdraw from the research at any time.

How do I get involved or learn more?

Please enter your name and phone number above, and we’ll get in touch, initially for a 5-minute talk.