Diversity enriches business.

‘Workplace inclusivity’ means having a diverse range of staff, maximising their potential and looking after their different wellbeing needs.

At The Inclusivity Project, we want to help small to medium-sized Cornish businesses gain the value of workers of different ages, abilities, and health conditions.

We have done this in two ways:

  • By doing research, led by the University of Exeter.
  • By funding ideas from local businesses.

We have put these two perspectives together with the voices from our partner organisations’ lived experience. 

Here are three digital resources for you to learn from, explore, and share.

1. Bias and inclusive recruitment: What you need to know, and do

2. Policy and inclusion: Changing the system through problem-solving conversations

3. Hybrid work: How small businesses can ‘bounce forward’

Small-to-medium sized Cornish Business? Great!

The Inclusivity Project has been about listening to you.

It has been shown that big corporations profit when they create inclusivity. Now it’s time to hear the small business perspective in our region.

Cornwall has more older people than ever before. And they want to work. Disabled people, and people with long-term health conditions, also want to work – and keep working, despite Coronavirus forcing them take extra care.

The Inclusivity Project has been researching how employers like you will adapt. Could the remodelling of your work life with Covid-19 be a chance to remake your approach to people with better diversity?

It is our aim to use the evidence base of the last 3 years to provide practical tools to help you grow your company’s approach to people.

Big firms are failing to reduce unconscious bias against disabled people

A study funded through the Inclusivity Project has shown that working for a big company or in an HR role does not lower the likelihood of showing unconscious bias against disabled people at work. Our researchers say this is ‘surprising’ because of the money big firms...

Invisible disabilities – our contribution to a new parliamentary briefing

We were pleased to be able to contribute research to a parliamentary briefing that highlights the challenges faced by people with invisible disabilities in education and work. Thanks to Dr Daniel Derbyshire and Kirsten Whiting who are among the external reviewers for...

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD)

December 3rd 2022 was International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) – a day first proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly back in 1992. While huge steps have been taken to support the inclusivity at work of disabled people, there is still much to do....
national inclusion week

Panel discussion to mark National Inclusion Week 2022

To mark National Inclusion Week (27th Sept to 2nd Oct 2022) we held a panel discussion around inclusivity with Chaos TV.  The theme of the week has been 'Time to Act: the Power of Now', and the discussion looks at this as well as the core themes around inclusion that...

Making Work Work for Everyone

Making Work Work for Everyone In September 2022 we held a conference with the aim of improving policy around inclusivity at work. The event was a great success, with key note speakers Dame Carol Black and Dr Christian van Stolk, Kim Conchie from Cornwall Chamber of...
Dr. Theo Blackmore

Dr Theo Blackmore, disAbility Cornwall: The COVID workplace revolution – and beyond.

COVID-19 lockdowns changed the working world overnight for everyone.
The changes that happened were things that many disabled people had sought for decades, says Dr. Theo Blackmore.

Thoughttune app

Case study: Thoughtune App

An Innovation Grant from The Inclusivity Project helped Thoughtune develop a new voice user interface to help people with visual impairments

Case study: Citizen’s Advice

Working with Inclusivity Project researcher Dr Daniel Derbyshire they launched a new customer survey to find out what people in Cornwall think about Citizens Advice and how they would prefer to access support.

People working at CHAOS farm

Case study: CHAOS Cornwall

CHAOS (Community Helping All Of Society) collaborated with The Inclusivity Project to uplevel their co-creation process.

Farming Health Hub

Case study: Farming Health Hub

Farming Health Hub CIC provides partnership, support and information for the farming community. They are working with Inclusivity Project to explore what would help older people living in farming communities to access digital health support.